Thursday, July 6, 2017
To all those Blessed enough to have had Glenn in thier lives. What a special guy. Words are not adaquate to describe the person Glenn is.
I knew Glenn a little more than a year and what a great time I had watching him perform random acts of kindness.
Talk about "paying it forward!" My family and are are hard pressed to recall another individual who in such a short period of time became such an important part of our journey through life.
I know I can honestly say Glenn is one of the most giving people we have ever met and Loved. He gave and recieved Love unconditionally.
My daughter Hope and Glenn had a very special bond and that says volumes! ( He absolutly Loved Hanna our Lab!)
Glenn demonstrated the important things of life by living them and providing examples to those who willing to recognize and see beyond our Humanity.
To Glenn and hopefully to us all, other people are more important than we believe ourselves to be.
The only things which matter when things are said and done, is how much you Loved, how well and how greatly you Loved and did we do so without regard for for opinions or mistakes of the past
We know we are a better family than we were before Glenn came into our lives.
L, E and L....... Love, Empathy and Loyalty discribe Glenn best.
Rest in peace my friend and brother, Glenn you deserve it and thank you for all you did for us as well as the way you "Do the things you do and especially, the things you taught us.
We will be togeather again and this we are sure of just as we are sure of your Love. You Loved so well and WRENCH ON!!!
Honored to say Glenn is my family's friend.
Our lose is Heaven's gain.
Billy Sturm, Jr.